Friday, August 13, 2010

Be Mohammed Ali!

“I am the greatest… I said that even before I knew I was.”

Says Muhammad Ali on hindsight of all his achievements. Arguably one of the greatest boxers of all time, Muhammad Ali was one of the strongest believers of himself. And in time he made the world stand up and take that same view of him.

With his colorful quotes of self appreciation, that he constantly spewed as he delivered punches onto his opponents faces, Muhammad Ali pushed the world into giving him the same stature that he had for himself.

Would he have been just as great a boxer had he not said what he did? Perhaps. But can you imagine a world without the character of Muhammad Ali as he really was?

“I’m not the greatest; I’m the double greatest. Not only do I knock ‘em out, I pick the round.”

Boxing would never have been the same without the man who formerly went by name, Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. nor would have the world stood up and taken notice of this man as did had he not had his taunts and self appreciating skills. He would have been great, but not the greatest character of boxing history.

If there is one thing to learn from Mr. Ali, it is this- You got to stand up tall, believe your self-worth, and then go ahead and make sure the world believes it. Because you may be good, but if you don’t stand up and make people believe it nobody is ever going to bother to find out. Because frankly, they couldn’t care less, unless of course you make them.

Think of that group work in school, where you had a significant contribution. You were taught to be humble at the time, and the thunder was stolen by that student in your group who presented. Or think of that job, where you did everything you were asked to and more, but did not talk about it enough. That average colleague of yours who made everyone stand up and take notice of any significant contribution he did, got the promotion. Perhaps you were appreciated as well, with a pat on the back. He got the promotion and pay hike. He stood up and affirmed his worth to the administration, you didn’t.

“Floats like a butterfly, sting like a bee, his hands can’t hit what his eyes can’t see.” Said Ali before his fight in 1974 against George Foreman. Ali won the fight and gained the World Heavyweight Championship with that fight.
He has gone on to rightly say, “It’s not bragging if you can back it.” Well put. Ali not only talked, he believed in his abilities to no end, and he worked towards honing his skills with absolute resolve as well.
Believe in yourself, and then make the world believe it, both, in word and in action. And you will be the greatest in any walk of life. All you need to do is have the self confidence, even if it does border cockiness, and nose dive into that greatest game- life.

On golf Ali said, “I’m the best. I just haven’t played yet.” Doubt anyone has any suspicion on Ali’s resolve should he had put his mind to anything in life.

So here is my advice thats worth a little more than just a penny.

Next time you come up against any situation at all in life, just ask yourself this one question... ‘What would Muhammad Ali do?’ and go for the kill with absolute resolve.

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