Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Paul the Prophet

The Germans hated him for it. The Spanish loved him. Paul the octopus rightly foretold the results of each of the 8 football World Cup matches in 2010 that he was asked. Paul’s predictions were always right. Some hated him, some loved him. Some even spoke of wanting to kill him. Some wanted to make a monument of him. He was indeed good at predicting those results.

But here is the kicker for all those who harbor any kind of feelings towards this cephalopod- what Paul did after all was merely ‘tell’ what happened, he did not ‘cause’ its occurrence.

Nostradamus. Neither did he cause the World Wars, nor the death of Henry the second. Napoleon and Hitler did not do the things they did because he foretold them. The wars would have happened in any case and so would have history. His were mere predictions. Enough of which were also wrong.

Destiny refers to the predetermined course of events.
It merely presses to try and foretell. It does not do or cause or make. It is but a teller. The truth is that oracles, seers and even destiny are merely guesstimates.
The only true teller is time.
And for time to tell, something, anything must be done.
Man must do so that time may tell.
Destiny is a creation of that ‘doing’. Paul was not the creator, the Spanish team was. Paul simply told, or rather foretold in this case.
The truth lies in not sitting back and allowing life, events in the world to happen as it does without us. Not all that Nostradamus predicted came true. If man makes changes, if he decides to ‘do’, some predictions will fall apart.

Only time will truly tell. And for it to have something to tell, something in your favor, you must do.

To sit back and let foretold destiny by others shape your life into nothingness is more common that you would like to believe. And frankly then, if you have read the book, you know how the movies turns out. Where is the fun in that? Especially if you don’t like how the book reads. The idea here is to change the plot of the book if you don’t like it. Then there would be hope for the movie!

Cautionary predictions do not end with a person who dislikes you saying you will amount to nothing, or a less-than-secure person who has met with failures feeding you the same. It does not end with what a palmist or an astrologer says. It extends to what even people who are close to you say and predict. You sometimes even believe them, for better or worse. You let others thoughts, remarks and opinions shape your life. Most often these are merely roadblocks that you do not need.

A person must cause, for the effect to happen.
Regret is to sit back and listen to what is said and allow it to happen- especially that which is not in your favor

Know this,
Just because some people did not have dreams as you do, it does not mean you cannot reach. Just because some others had dreams but did not follow them does not mean you should not. Just because some others had dreams, followed them and failed, does not mean you will to.
‘You are never going to be able to wake up early.’
‘You are never going to get that girl. She is too good for you and you know it!’
‘Come on, who are you kidding? That guy really is that good. You are not even close. There is nothing to be ashamed off. Its ok.’

You sat back. You let destiny write you.

What that black tongued negative person said to you years ago to you just came true.

OMG! But what can one do against destiny!

Now you tell me!

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